Profile Picture of Saumik Dana

Bayesian/MCMC on Time Series

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LANL was my first postdoc after finishing graduate school, and USC was my final postdoc before getting my green card. At USC, I spearheaded a project to develop a Bayesian inference framework for model parameter estimation from time series data. The challenge was to create a model that could accurately predict and analyze complex data patterns. By employing Bayesian methods, I was able to construct a framework that not only provided precise estimations but also accounted for uncertainties in the data.

Bayesian Inference in Time Series Analysis

PhD Work
  • Concept: Bayesian inference updates the probability of a model parameter's value based on observed time series data.
  • Process: It combines prior knowledge about the parameter (prior probability) with the likelihood of observing the data given the parameter values to produce an updated probability (posterior probability).
  • Bayes' Theorem: The process is governed by the formula \( P(\text{Parameter}|\text{Time Series}) = \frac{P(\text{Time Series}|\text{Parameter}) \times P(\text{Parameter})}{P(\text{Time Series})} \).
  • Application: This approach is particularly valuable in time series analysis for incorporating prior knowledge and handling complex, dynamic data.

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) in Bayesian Time Series Analysis

PhD Work
  • Purpose: MCMC is used to approximate the posterior distribution of a parameter when it's too complex to calculate directly in the context of time series data.
  • Method: It generates a series of samples through a Markov chain process, where the distribution of these samples converges to the posterior distribution of the parameter.
  • Algorithms: Includes techniques like Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs sampling, tailored to explore the parameter space efficiently.
  • Utility: The samples from MCMC provide a way to estimate and understand the posterior distribution, allowing for predictions and uncertainty quantification in time series models.

Adaptive Metropolis Algorithm in a nutshell

PhD Work

MCMC Sampling Evolution History

Initial Guess is 1000.0

Posterior distribution

PhD Work
Burn-in ratio of 1/2